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Pupil Premium

What is ‘Pupil Premium’?

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.


Pupil premium funding is available to:


  • schools maintained by the local authority, including:

    • special schools, for children with special educational needs or disabilities

    • pupil referral units (PRUs), for children who can’t go to a mainstream school


  • academies and free schools, including:​​

  • alternative provision (AP) academies, for children who can’t go to a mainstream school

  • special academies, for children with special educational needs or disabilities

  • voluntary-sector AP, with local authority agreement

  • non-maintained special schools (NMSS), for children with special educational needs as approved by the Secretary of State for Education under section 342 of the Education Act 1992

Mrs M Southern


Principal of Meir Heath Academy

Meir Heath Academy, Golborn Avenue, Meir Heath, Staffordshire, ST3 7JQ


Office Manager: Mrs R Crump

Telephone Number: 01782 393856



Children arrive at school from: 8:45am

School closes at: 3.30pm


September 2024 onwards

 Drop off and Pick Up


Reception 8.45am - 3.20pm 

Year 1 8.45am -  3.20pm 

Year 2 8.45am - 3.25pm 

Year 3 8.45am - 3.20pm 

Year 4 8.45am - 3.25pm 

Year 5 8.45am - 3.30pm 

Year 6 8.45am - 3.30pm 


**Statutory Hours required 32.5 hours

Meir Heath Academy is operated by St. Bart’s Multi-Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (registered number 08735454). Registered office: Sussex Place, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4TP. **Media is for the purpose of family members only. We do not give permission to any third parties to use or share images/videos from our website. Thank you.

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